
Kassandra nielseN

Rapid Eye Technologist
Skills For Life Facilitator
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)


** I am always editing, updating and changing the site, 

Thank you for your patience and understanding!


Release emotional stress caused by any issue and retrain the body.

Then, reeducate the mind to think and react differently!

Public Speaking

My main focus and goal  is to create Education and Awareness about Trauma as well as to normalize speaking up about Trauma, in a shame free manner.

Just as crucial is sharing the messages of hope and healing, especially when they seem completely impossible. Sharing different tools that have worked for me first hand and teaching some tools to utilize right NOW!

Catered Imageries

Get your own guided meditation catered directly towards you!

Great for children and families.

Great in business, breaking down money mind gaps or the self belief that is required in business settings.

Great for children and parents/family relationships.

The possibilities are only limited to your imagination!

Find the root and address Addictions of all kinds

Acknowledge and break down Family and Relationship Patterns

Validate and Release the emotions attached to Abuse of all kinds

Unpack Depression, Anger and deep Grief

What Is Rapid Eye Technology?

Rapid Eye Technology taps into the Neuroscience behind the R.E.M sleep cycle where the body naturally releases toxins and restores the brain. As a technician, I help identify and release stress-causing emotions on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level through the structured movement and blinking of the eyes along with verbal cues (the  RET process).

The second half of Rapid Eye is the learning and structure of what we call Skills for Life. This is a process where one learns and applies new skills for life on all levels, to create what they would rather experience in their life. Incorporating lots of CBT principles in the process. 

We also have an extensive “tool belt” (if you will) of techniques we are trained on. To name a few, we do mirror work and body walks, being sure to incorporate all of the body learning and tapping into various forms of research to utilize in the process. 

Who Is Rapid Eye Technology for?

Virtually every single person can benefit from RET! As we go through out life we all experience extreme stressors in various contexts and degrees.  So often we are used to functioning under extreme circumstances(like a pandemic for example.)

With that being said, how often do we actually address what these stressors, and extreme circumstances and experiences actually do to us on a Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual levels?

Studies have show throughout the pandemic what extensive trauma and extremely high stress can do.  To give you an idea, a study taken reported 36% have had difficulty sleeping, 32% in eating, and an increase in 12% in alcohol consumption or substance abuse. Just to name a few.  

 What are “Skills for Life” and why do they matter?

The purpose of Skills For Life is to help us notice and recognize distortions and incongruities in our  systems beliefs on all levels.

By following this process and learning these 7 principles in depth, it shows us how we are truly able to tap into our potential and the abilities we all have innately.

Neuroscience teaches us we truly have the ability to rewire our brains and thus truly be able to create the lives we actually want.

If You Always Do What You’ve Always Done, You’ll Always Get What You’ve Always Got.” ~ Henry Ford.  

1. Principle of Thought.

Thought is the beginning of everything. We are literally always thinking, even in the subconscious.

When we start to notice the way we think and why, everything starts to shift and we can start to discover how we can change negative thought patterns.

Almost all thoughts tie back to a memory or an event, even if we can’t recall a specific event.

When we are able to start choosing the way we want to think, this becomes an incredibly powerful skill that not only changes our own lives but everyone around us!   

2. Perception.

Perception is what we filter our thoughts through. Perceptions are most often created  with out us  even being aware.

Throughout childhood and adolescence and adulthood, our perceptions are being molded, if we aren’t aware of this we will take this on as a truth. Perception can also be described as our “judgment” filters if you will. 

For example, if throughout your life you always heard that seeking or asking for help when it came to anything to do with mental health and that it was something that you were expected to know how to do on your own, it might make it difficult when anyone around you mentions mental health for seeking help for it. 

We might not even recognize the possibility of this being a distortion. 

Once we start to see and change our thought patterns we can start learning how to spot errors in our perception, and thus make a different choice when that programmed perception kicks in. 

3. Choice and Accountability.

When we are able to change our thoughts and then able to change our perception, our ability to choose what we truly what is tangible along with the courage and vulnerability as well as the awareness it takes for us to be accountable.


4. Cause and Effect.

When we are able to take back more control of our thoughts and how we view things and be responsible for our choices we are able to start seeing the effects of the changes we are making in our lives. This is like when that first check finally come in after you start a new job, that feeling that happens when you work hard to do everything properly along with making little to no errors. You show up on time, you work your full shift maybe even work a little overtime to show how dedicated you are. You seek to truly understand the process of the job and what it looks like so that you can do your job well. 

These are all examples of how it looks when you take the principals seriously and seek to truly understand your own self and why you do think feel etc the things you do!



5. Abundance and Gratitude.

When we are able to finally change the incongruities that we feel and that we most likely have been operating out, of along with being accountable and being able to choose what we truly want THEN we can find ourselves being truly grateful.

So often we have unmet expectations and we are not even really aware why. This is to be expected as we are not aware of most of the unrealistic expectations we naturally set up or our subconscious does for us on our own. 

The catch is, when we tap into this, and become aware of how much all of these principles are effecting each other that’s again, when things change and the abundance starts to come in we are able to see how our changes truly do make all the difference. 



6. Health and Healing.

,Throughout our life as we go through so many diverse situations and we are doing our best to stay as healthy as we feel we have time to, we often run into sickness or aliments. Research has shown that so often when we have sickness or pains in our body it is coming from something within verse something on the outside making us feel this way. 


When we go through something emotionally or mentally it truly can actually make us physically react. This is our bodies way of letting us know that something on the inside needs addressing or looking at. 


When we take the time to address our mental and emotional health, we are taking our full spectrum health into our own hands and truly doing something about it! 

7. Harmony and Rhythm.

When we are truly able to look at ourselves and look at our own thoughts and life we are able to make the changes we need to have true harmony and rhythm in our life. 

This is when we are in that state of balance, when we are able to feel like we are in the groove. 


See the value and ready to get started? Bundle Sessions and Save!

4 Session Package

The first 4 sessions can be described as the most fundamental. This is a great package to get started and address some of the most common and core emotional issues that are created from the very beginning. 

8 Session Package

 With 8 sessions we can really get more in depth and have the time to go deeper into underlying distortions and get a lot more of the reprograming going on as well as have the chance to process some important,  core experiences.

12 Session  Package

The 12 session package is idea, it really is recommended that every one go through and process the first 12 sessions in the program in order to truly go as deep as needed and directly relieve a great deal of emotional stressors that are tied to so many traumas that we aren’t even aware of, but we almost all experience..

About Me

I’m Kassandra Nielsen, founder of the WholeSoul! I wanted to create my business centered around the fact that we truly are, a whole and complete soul. In life I have gone through very intense and traumatic situations,  are bodies react and then before we know it the body is acting to protect our souls and creates a shell or a wall surrounding who we truly are. I have had a long journey in rediscovering this truth and I am still learning more and more every single day. 

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!